You look up at the dense darkness of the planet, feeling sadness and great anger. All the crystal blueness has disappeared and the oceans are engulfed in the viscous, dark, inky liquid. The only light is the stars and the greatness of outer space. Your goal: defeat the evil and greedy dark rulers, conquer your fears, reach the highest rank and fight off the dark warriors who are pursuing the same goal as you. Remeber, they want to win as much as you do. but you can't fight alone. The more warriors, the better chances of you conquering. Healers and leaders are also needed to play their big part in order for success. By the way, I lead all the groups, you could consider me your master, your ultimate leader, but you can just call me Blue!




                                     Leader- Rai 


Age: 357 yrs. old                               

     Brother to Ketara, Rai, as a wolf, has a very light grey back, with white on his underside, eyes and tail. He is "tattooed" with various markings from his home planet Friea; his eyes are blazing red. History: Rai was separated from his siter at the age of 100, or 1 1/2 on Katarata. He, being a male, was sent for training to became a warrior of his planet Friea. He rediscovered his sister on Katarata, and they have been near inseperable ever since. Rai doesn't want to risk losing her again, so he can be a bit strict with her at times. Rai is the current leader of the warriors and warrior to-be's. He is resposible for coordinating the plans and promting each warrior to new ranks. It's his resposibility to teach the warriors to become skilled fighters aand promote those who he decides are deserving. Rai's ablilty is that he can shift between wolf and human forms, though when he is human, he maintains his wolf ears. His only other abilities include agility and the power to read emotions.   






        Gender: Female  Age: 306yrs(3 yrs on Katarata) 

 Ketara has dark, dark grey fur, with a white patch that goes from her cheeks to her upper chest. Ketara has bright golden eyes, and always wears her golden necklace and ankle charms; they are from her homeland far, far away.... Ketara is from the planet Friea many many lightyears away. On her home planet, she is 306yrs old, but on Katarata she is just 3. Friea had sadly been attacked, and was destroyed. Ketara came to Katarata for refuge Ketara is very reserved. She does not like to share to much about herself, but hse loves hearing about others. Her passion is to defend her new home so that what happened to Friea will not happen to Katarata. She is currently an apprentice while her older brother is the warriors leader. Ketara can read minds, and leap with amazing length, making her seem faster than she really is.






                             Dedecor Venia (Shameful Grace in Latin)
          Gender: Female      Age: Unknown
 A red, black, light brown wolf with a bluish-purplish tint. She has wings and a very long tail. She is faithful and strong. She wants to help others all the time and is willing to die for the people around her. She can understand everyone around her and can also heal. She was altered in a lab by humans and was let free to see how their experiment would go. She ended up here and wanted to help everyone. She is an apprentice, to-be a warrior.














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