Join Us!

If you don't know what role you are, the list of spots are located down below  and if you want a more in-depth description of each role, see the "ranking" page. Everyone starts out as an apprentice if you're joining as a warrior and there are 5 leaders only. You must pick who's team you want to join also Thanks!!

Remember for every warrior group, they need a name for that group. Only the leader decides on that name. Warriors begin as apprentices.


Warrior Rankings (from highest to lowest):

(for more info, go to rankings page)

10. Cosmic Warrior

9. Metal Warrior

8. Starlight-Metal Warrior

7. Stellar Warrior

6. White-Winged Warrior

5. Silver-Blade Warrior 

4. Spectrum Warrior

3. Optic Warrior 

2. Warrior (officially ranked warrior)

1. Apprentice (before ranked warrior)


There's more than just being a warrior. For more info see rankings page.

Warriors (if you want to become a warrior, you must live under the order of your leader and fight to get promoted to a higher rank. Bad guys are appreciated if you want to make this difficult for them to reach that goal. Fight to win, win to fight!)


Other Spots: Ones in purple are closed and can't be claimed while others in blue (like the one above) mean people have already joined this role but it's still  available. Ones in green  mean they're totally empty, HAVE NO MEMBERS and need roleplayers ASAP!

Leaders (every group of warriors needs a leader. this spot is available but the leader is responsible for giving their group a name for organization, that way new members can choose the certain group as desired. 4 spots left!!)

Dark Rulers (super bad guys that lead the dark warriors. This spot is currently limited to 5 although it might change depending on number of people who have joined this role. )

Dark Warriors (opposite of good warriors, or warriors that were good but betrayed their people. This spot will always be unlimited unless I suddenly chnage my mind.)

New! Healers and Mentors.

(this means instead of fighting, you're in charge of healing and using remedies to your knowledge. Mentors teach beginner healers about remedies for wounds and different ailments. This spot is open and available but the limit is 1 mentor and 2 healers per  group and no more then 2.  Lets do the math, 5 groups, 2 healers per group, that means 10 spots and 5 for mentors. Nice.)


 DA RULES!!(I'm being VERY strict here so take me seriously on this or else you will be banned!! )

1. NO SWEARING OR OBSCENE LANGUAGE!! If you can't control your mouth, leave please.

2. Yeah I know how anime fans like demonic, spiritistic, vampire-related, witch-craft and sorcery, black magic yadayada etc. There will be NO SUCH THING!! Witch craft, demonism and spiritism are strongly forbidden!!

3. Pleeeease be mature, no sexual misconduct or you'll be banned, harshly banned.

4. If you want to look for a picture of your person, I STRONGLY suggest that you let me do it since I'm good with exact results, plus you have to be cautious with images!! No inappropriate pics or your banned. Any picture that bothers your conscience is probably wrong.(It can be an animal!)

5. No invincibility powers, we are all vulnerable.

6. If you're planning to be a rival, nothing demonic or over the top. If you are unsure, just consult me and I'll let you know whether it's good or not. Don't hesitate to ask please.

7. Have fun or you're banned! (haha kidding!! But do enjoy! )

Now that you've read the rules and as long as you go according to these rules, all will be made well. OR YOU'RE BANNED!!!!!


 What you need to include to join:

1. Warrior's Name

2. Gender

3. Age

4. Describe (not too specific though)

5. Picture (I suggest I find it for you but if you want to it must be APPROPRIATE!! I BEG YOU! Be CONSIDERATE!! In order to make things easier it can be all animal. ) 

6. History

7. Personality

8. Role (Healers, Mentors if available, Dark Rulers, Dark Warriors, Apprentice to be Warrior or Leaders if available. See side for available spots.)

9. (this is optinal, you must ask if you want your person to have an ability)

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