

                                  The Eternal 7

On Katarata, there only stands 7 warriors. They call themselves the Eternal 7. The Eternal 7 are the strongest warriors on the planet. United they're near invincible. They can do no wrong as long as they're together.....but what would happen if they were miraculously annhilated? Who would protect Katarata? (That's where you come in.)







      Personality: Blue is only 14 years old, the youngest of the Eternal 7 and the most powerful. Blue has short brown hair and brown eyes. Her current status can tell you that she is a cosmic warrior and is able to travel to space. But before she became a warrior, she was just a simple earth girl living in the streets of New York. She has no name in society since she has no parents and ran away from her current shelter. She called herself Blue since that was how she felt. Blue was shy and carried her notebook everyewhere. Since she couldn't write, she expressed herself through drawings. She also has a gift for piano playing even though she can't read music. When she was discovered by Dimitri, she learned she had an undiscovered "gift". Blue can control things with her mind and grow wings like a bird. That's how she got the nickname Blue Jay. Although her powers were unstable so she caused alot of destruction but with the help of her team, she learned to control her ability and protects The Other World in outer space.  As the years went by, Blue became more outgoing and less shy, making her the most srong in personality of the whole group.



Personality: Hayden is a very out-going wolf boy hybrid. His memory of his past is vague and he can't remember where he came from or why he's part wolf. It seemed that the more time he spent with Blue, the more he remembered. Hayden is 15 years old. He is very muscular, yet agile and swift like a wolf's body. He has the ability to magnify and copy others abilities. When he's around Blue, he can make her stronger but he can't copy her ability because it's too powerful and complicated, it almost killed him. Hayden is strong in character yet he has quite a sense of humor which makes him a pleasure to be around with.




Nick is a blue wolf who roams Katarata and is the last one of his kind. He is only 5 years old (which is 35 in dog years.) He is a loyal warrior (not pet!!) to the Eternal 7. He howls when there's danger and knows a few english words (he really talks when he feels like it). Even though Nick is an animal, he's no mindless pet. Nick is extremely intelligent! Don't worry, he will probably become your best friend if you ask him politely! (and if you're not his rival, otherwise he would take out your arm).



                                              Personality: Kamyron is a young 16 year old girl.Kamyron is a short teenage girl with a height of 5"2 and has sea greenish, almost hazel eyes. Her hair is a shiny golden brown. Kamyron used to live in a mansion with her rich grandparetns and lived as their spoiled, filthy rich grand daughter. She was the richest in her village, they treated her like a princess, trying to give her every thing she desires, even Nick who's the last of his wolf species, yet she was never satisfied. She felt someting was missing but she couldn't tell what it was. Then, one night, waiting outside in her room's balcony, a silver haired boy awaited outisde her balcony. It was Ereth. Eversince that day, Kamyron became a part of the Eternal 7....and began growing emotionally attatched to Ereth. That same day she discovered her ability to control electricity and different forms of charge, a power that usually only cosmic warriors could obtain. Although Kamyron can be a little snobbish and girly, she is very rough and strong when it comes to a fight, maybe it could be from all the ballet and gymnastic classes she took?




  Personality: Ereth is the most mature and sensible of the Eternal 7. He is 19 years old. Ereth has silver hair and striking blue eyes. When Blue was new to the team, Ereth was the one to took her in the most and treated her nicer than the way others did. Ereth is very nice and a very, very charming man. Although he seems to keep his distance from Kamyron, who, as you can tell, really wants to be with to him. Ereth's ability is very unique. He can grow white wings, like those of a dove. He's a peaceful dude, yet his strike can be deadly when it comes to a fight. He attacks with two katana swords and attacks with the true gracefulness of a Kataratarian Warrior.




Personality:  Dimitri is the second eldest of the group, being only about 18 years old. He is very good-looking with his stunning, aqua blue eyes and silk-like, jet black hair. He's always wearing a white bandana around his forhead  and wears a white jacket. Unlike Ereth, he's very tough on Blue since he knows what she really is capable of, but he only is trying to be protective. Dimitri can be a little serious at times, so it's hard for him to take a mere joke. Hayden is always trying to tell him to relax a little more although Dimitri feels awkward when he does try to and so does the person who he's trying to be nice to. But it only makes his personality a little funnier. Dimitri is actually a nice guy means no harm, but when it come to a fight, he means serious buisness.





 Personality: Tamiko is a mature, 17 year old girl. She has silver hair and red eyes. She wields a giant sword carved from the tooth of a dragon. Tamiko is bold and brave but mysterious in behavior and doesn't seem to talk much. She's nothing like Kamyron's girly self or Blue's loud mouth personality. Hayden, Blue and Ereth are always wonderring why she is so quiet, and doesn't act out like anyone else. Tamiko's mysterious person only adds to her warrior image because she is exetremely strong, wielding her 2 ton sword around like as if it were a few ounces. She also has the natural ability to bend fire. Her ability is  simply breath taking when you see it in action. Dimitri seems to have interest in her. I mean come on, those two are very alike, right?




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