Take to the Sky


You look up at the sky, it's a brand new day. The clouds are rolling along, the sky is a beautful shade of blue, the sun shines with greatly. You feel envy as you watch the birds flying freely above your head. You try to imagine yourself flying, the wind brushing intensely against body. You're defying gravity, you can look down and see the rooftops of buildings. Now close your eyes and imagine you're flying above the beach. You can hear the squeal of seagulls, the ocean roaring below your feet, you can feel a mist of water spraying your body. The sun continues to shine above you, yep, that's just another day in Katarata.                           

                                                   Crystal Blue                                      



            It's your job as a warrior to defend the planet, whether on the ground or even in the air. Only White-winged warriors and more advanced warriors are able to take the skies. Remember, it's not just fun and games!! It's a very important event when a warrior earns his or her wings.





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