Pushing the Limits of Space

 You look up at the dark night sky. The stars twinkle and moon gleams before you. But you know there's more. You fall into the sky going nowhere but up at the speed of light. Feeling the rush...you open your eyes only to see the dark depths of outer space, the twinkling stars, the varying colours and the incredible star clusters. Space is so dark, yet seems so bright, right?

       When you become an experienced Warrior, only the highest ranked become cosmic warriors. Cosmic Warriors can use the dark matter, dark energy and normal matter of outer space to their ability. They can gain control of certain elements and can sustain themselves in the atmosphere and vacuum of deep space. They are assigned to protect the planet of Katarata 


This is a wonderful AMV I uploaded from Dailymotion. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THEIR RIGTFUL OWNERS!! Oh yeah, please watch and enjoy, it's very beautiful and suits the theme well! PLus I love Coldplay! 

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