Obey The Warrior Code


The Warrior Code is required to be followed by all warriors, leader themselves, and others partaking in various roles for their group. Breaking these rules may result in SERIOUS PUNISHMENT. If you are planning to join, please take the time to read these rules and codes so you will be sure to follow them without causing any trouble what so  ever. These codes also include specil procedures and traditions that the warriors are required to follow, please read, NOW!!


Main Rules and Procedures- 1. ALL WARRIORS are required to address their leaders as master and their name. Leaders are considered the masters and are required to be addressed respectfully, any disrespect shown will result in serious punishment.

2. Higher ranked warriors and mentors shall be addressed as Sir or Madame and their name. All higher ranked shall be addressed properly.

3. The Warriors are required to work as a team, NOT INDIVIDUALLY. All warriors and healers are organized into several groups. A leader shall be determined for each group. Every group is named after THEIR LEADER for organization. A warrior should work only within their group unless the Ultimate Leader (Blue) claims that we unite.

4. When a leader decides that his/her warrior to be promoted to a higher rank, a meeting with the other group leaders shall be arranged to see if this warrior is truly ready to be promoted. If the decision is a unanimous 'yes' then a ceremony will be arranged for the warrior where he/she will be officially promoted to a new rank, not just to a new title but to new skills and abilities they'll attain as well. 

5. Leaders are responsible for looking after the warriors and training them, making syre they reach a high warrior rank, such as Metal Warrior. Leader's are also responsible for coordinating plans with the Ultimate Leader (Blue) at every meeting held, the Ultimate Leader decides when decides when these meetings are held and all leaders are required to come (or else..) , and who knows, she might even invite some unexpected leaders.....  

6. A relationship between to warriors (as in male and female couple) are absolutely FORBIDDEN. No relationships are allowed between 2 warriors for this may interfere with the operations and combatting. Any relationship to warriors discovered and they will be SEVERLY PUNISHED (death maybe). When two warriors are secretly hiding a relationship, it is considered Forbidden Romance and their love will become exposed eventually.

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