Who Are You?

Dark Warriors and Rulers:

Dark warriors are warriors trained on the opposite side, they are living under the reign of their dark ruler. Every dark warriors' goal is different depending on themselves. Some of them are even once trusted Metal warriors who cruelfully betrayed their leaders and went to live under their dark ruler. For some, all they want to do is cause mischeif and death. They are truely cruel and dangerous, no mere apprentice would stand a simple chance. Dark warriors are very skilled as well as agressive. Some are born into it, some betray their leadders and run into the Dark Ruler's reign. Dark Warriors are unlimited. Dark Rulers aren't as limited as Leaders. Dark rulers are cruel with no affection or mercy. You truly have to be heartless to roleplay these rulers well. If you can, you should be an actor.




These people are usually the most experienced of the group and coordinate the plans. They are the only ones who attend meetings. Every group of warriors has a leader. A leader also assigns jobs to each warrior and also decide whether the warrior is deserving of being promoted to a higher rank. Leaders play a huge role and have big responsibilities. Leaders are very limited. Only one per group. There can also be an alternate leader in case but that's only for the actual leader to decide.

Healers & Mentors:



As a warrior, you must realize the fact that it's your duty to protect the planet of Katarata from elemental disasters and greedy rivals. There no mercy, no holding back, you must be prepared, be strong, oh yeah, and some of you might not live. Anywho, here are the rankings from highest to lowest. Even though it's your leader's job to promote your rank, it's my job to make sure you truly are ready. Every ceremony will be held for warriors that have been promoted to a higher rank. But remember, I will decide who's worthy of becoming a Cosmic Warrior. Yup, me, Blue.                               


1. Cosmic Warrior: The highest ranked of all warriors. You must earn a lot of repect, honor, trust, and experience to reach this stage. You also have to fight the enemues, and even fears that can hold you back. Only the strongest of the strong and masters of all warrrior rankings can be a Cosmic warrior. This also depends on your level of maturity and wisdom. You are extremely skilled in all weapons, although most fight without them since they have many abilities. Some warriors don't even make it to this rank so if you do, you're incredible man!! Note: Spaces are limited so act fast!!! (for more info about the abilities of a cosmic warrior, see the cosmic warriors page, duh.)


2. Metal Warrior: This is the second highest ranking in warriors. For some, this is probably the highest rank they'll ever go, some don't make it to become a Cosmic warrior. Metal warriors are the most skilled in weaponry, especially weapons crafted of precious metal, just as the name implies. They are also able to grasp at least one ability of a Cosmic warrior. All Metal warriors have the ability to take form of their bodies, into forms of precious metal.


3. Starlight-Metal Warrior: Man, you're not exactly a Metal warrior, you're almost there but not quite. So close, so close. You level up on skill and abilities. Although you can gain the ability to bend light in an experienced manner. You gain that ability when you become an Optic Warrior but it takes a long time to fully develop. Only Cosmic warriors can fully develop this ability. At this rank, it still has a little to develop.


4. Stellar Warrior: At this rank, you're almost toward becoming a Metal warrior. You have gained much skill and power. You are experiencedin sword wielding, flying, and maintaining your ability well. It actually takes a lot of work to make this rank. It also might depend on your leader his willingness to promote to this rank. You're on your way. Don't stop now!!


5. White-winged Warrrior: You are at the average stage of an experienced warrior. You must be proud to have made it this far and now, you have earned your white wings! You are free to fly with the birds and go where ever the wind carries you. But never forget your responsibilities as a warrior. After all, it did take you intense amounts of training to make it this far, either that or your leader is being generous, but let's be reasonable here, generous leaders will not be tolerated, so you must've trained hard to make it this far, and so I congrat you!!


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