DARK WARRIORS TERRITORY ONLY-Any unwelcomed visitors will be punished with death----------------------------------XXXXXXXXXXXXXX


In the middle of a strange and vandalized city lies a dangerous forest you've seen once before. As you go to investigate your heart begins racing at every moment, every sound, every echo in the forest. Your thoughts are immediately interrupted by a piercing, deadly scream, like someone being tortured slowly and painfully. Your swells with fear be somehow a force pulls you forward wanting to go on.. You then notice words painted onto a tree, it stands out from the bluish fog and says in large print, NO TURNING BACK NOW XXXX, painted in blood. Everywhere you go, a bluish fog follows you, you can hear leaves shattering behind you, but when you look back, no one is there. Now you are sweating blood, doubting yourself, wanting to turn back but you're too deep in the forest. Breathing echoes across the trees, deep breaths actuallly. A dark figure emerges from the trees, the figure is still like a tree, but its red eyes pierce deep and stares you down like an owl, your first is instinct is to run for your dear life. The figure jumps in blur, you try to sprint but your legs become heavy and sluggish, the black figure then comes out to reveal  a wolf with blazing red eyes and an evil grin full of  razor sharp teeth. You try to let out a scream but your throat only chokes up with fear, you have no more control of your body, you look up at the stars for comfort, but the only thing you see is  a greenish sky, then...XXXXXXXXX......the feeling of 1.000 knives glides slowly across your back, a sweet whisper echoes into your ears, it's last you'd ever hear, "You will live for the rest of eternity, you will live among your nightmares and suffer for time indefinite", violent laughing echoes inside your head and everything becomes NOTHING, all you ever thought, ever were, ever felt, becoming nothing but an eternal dream........


The land of fears and lies, trust and betrayal, love and death, we live in the dark corners of your mind, watch you when you dream, and feed off your nightmares, killingyou, inside and out... WE ARE THE DARK WARRIORS XXXX








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