Just Remember, Our City is Nothing like yours will ever be…







In other words, this is a little preview of my upcoming graphics site, The City of Lights, a site dedicated to graphics, slideshows, music and more, just a break from roleplaying. Here are some graphics and s;ideshows I made in the past. Check it out and enjoy the slides, (NO ALTERS SHALL BE MADE TO SLIDE SHOWS and you must have powerpoint to view them.) Thank you for taking the time to read this!!!!


 SHOWWWZAM!!!!!! (still workin' on it by da way)

The many shades of Hayden (not my first graphic, just an experimental one)

Blue when she's feelin' Blue, with pink hair.

My chatango pic, with a little more BAM!! If you read carefully, it says, "Whats up".  Yes, it's a baby lynx! Awww.

This is a pretty funny graphic of a ragdoll cat, tinted blue, made into motavational poster. "BLUE". Yep. Aint it stunnin or what?

Another Blue graphic. If you wanna know, I tinted her blue, added the text and some rain effects. I don't know why she always seems so sad, but don't we all have those days? This pic just seemed so relevant to the first one, I just had to make it ya know!

If you've visited this site before, you well know this is Blue's profile picture. Well I changed it up because I found a much better picture of her with a more warrior-like appearance. Just think of this picture as Blue living on Earth, before she became a warrior.

A groovy and colorful bird, very rare species, have you seen any lately?! I mean just look at it!! One of my personal faves! I mean one of my fave birds, but it's a nice graphic too!


One of my favorite and most beloved graphics, you see it on the front page, but maybe only for a glimpse cause its a slide. Don't here you can look at it for as long you want.
 I can't wait until my graphics site is done!!!!!! XD woooohoo!!!



chuck duck.ppt chuck duck.ppt
Size : 4.629 Kb
Type : ppt

This slideshow above is one of the best I've ever made. The problem, most of it is music but apparently the sounds do not work. So please try to cope!! 

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