The Leaders of Metallic Rose  The leaders of Metallic Rose are the most vicious, agressive, DANGEROUS group of warriors you'll ever have to meet. The Metal Rose Warriors are an organization of dark warriors, dark rulers, once-trusted "friends" and cold killers. It could be the person most closest to you, only to realize they only wanted to break you. They go farther than just weakening you with their strength, they strip you of those closest to you, they attack you using your worst nightmares. They use figments to crawl deep into the dark corners of your mind. You'll feel like you're dreaming, until they turn the picture around....and catch you in your weakest state. One minute you feel like your flying...the next minute, you're plummitting to the ground......

       The way to defeat them is tricky, you can't neccessarily fight fire with fire. You must find their weakness, but that job is up to you. Remember, only the baddest of the bad can join the Metallic Rose's quest so if you're a dark ruler or warrior, you haven't seen nothing yet.


                                   Members of Metal Rose:


Ora Ivana-The Dark Princess, she is the most powerful of her kind. She has long, jet black hair and rarely ever talks and keeps a teardrop figment on her shoulders. Eversince she was a little girl, she spooked the others with mysterious dark abilities, everyone feared her and kept their distance from her, even her parents. She couldn't conrol her abilities, causing pain and strife to others. She couldn't understand why she was being detested by others, no one would accept her, rather they would avoid her. She decided to runaway. Ora's heart soon become hard and cold,  feeling hatred for the world, showing great detest for those who shunned her. She no longer shows love, she now lives in the dark. As Ora grew into her teens, she developed more control over her abilities. She would practice in dark allies and under the cold moon. She practiced on rats and stray alley cats. Her "gift" was turning into a disaster. She created the Metal Rose Warriors. Now Ora reigns as the Dark Princess.


Dove- Besides Ora, Dove is probably the most feared of all the Metal Rose Warriors. Dove is tall and she has long silver hair which is constantly tied back. She usually wears a black cloak with a hood in order to look mysterious. She keeps a siver-winged hawk figment on her shoulders. Dove is a cold-hearted killer. She group grew up cold and alone and claims she was born to cause pain and suffering. She has a creepy smile and is constantly grinning when she's fighting, intimidating her enemies. She carries two daggers. She always gets things her way, it's impossible if she doesn't. She has the ability to chnage herself into a figment of your mind, causing you to hollucinate and see things you'd never want to see. She can easily drive you insane, powers or no powers.







Illius- He is no pet. Illius is a vicious black panther with flourescent yellow eyes. He is a ferocious beast with razor sharp fangs and and killer claws. although he allows dove to treat him as a pet, he gets his equal rights easy. He always wanting to cause death and mischief and looks forward to fights. He is muscular, agile and strong and if you saw him and he caught your eye right at that moment, you are done for. You could consider him a ferocious monster and Dove will consider him her precious kitty. If you really want to pick a fight with this crazy cat, you must be brave, or insane.











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