Announcements- THIS SITE IS TEMPORARALLY CLOSED AND WILL RE-OPEN SOON...(check back in about 3 months and see timer at bottom of page, thank you!! :D)          


 Introduction-The Black Sun

From Earth: It's a lit up night, usual in the city, the city glows at night and never falls asleep. You look up at the sky no stars what so ever, then see a small lit up, not speck or mere star but as if there was a second moon. You head to a dull secluded land and get a better view of the sky, it almost looks like an eclipse, a huge spot in the center with a mere corona of light spilling out the corners, you think to yourself, is it an eclipse, or a Black Sun?






From Katarata: They look across the horizon, nothing but the sight of navy blue coating the ground . You look up at the starry heavens, all is peaceful. You glide across the blue world into a desolate land. The land is surrounded by a giant waterfall, keeping the planet alive and thriving, like a human heart pumping blood through your veins, keeping you alive, but when your blood is infected with something viscious, what happens to you? Death?  Think about whats happening now.....

  The waterfall begins pouring a black viscous liquid. The crystal blue water turns jet black and the stars disappear one by one. The moon creeps out of the fog covered sky and the once cystal blue planet becomes a dense black fog, like the darkness of a solar eclipse, except with no corona. The starlight you once saw ffrom earth became no more than the sky itself; like day and night, one minute every thing is balanced in perfect harmony, next thing you know, all is dark, twisted and crazy, when day becomes night, strange things lurk from the distance, nightmares are released, reality is breaking....



Warriors: We stand strong to time indefinite, we never give up, we work as one, we live among the stars work among the stars, and if you try to reach for the moon, you'll always fall among the stars, we catch each other when we fall stand forever until the end comes, we are warriors until time indefinite, we are the ETERNAL 7.


        Graphics designed by yours truly, DO NOT COPY PLEASE, although I'm sure no one will, so yeah, just letting ya know, I worked very hard on these graphics, on some I didn't but.........awwwwwwwww you get it!!!!





Heyz people!! Just in case ya didn't know, this site was created by yours truly, Octoberblue and this is my VERY FIRST SITE YAY!!!!!!! But in this site, I go by Blue. All the banners, pics and graphics were made by me , (although I just learned how to make graphics now) anyways , this roleplaying site is a little more unique from what you've seen before so please, enjoy!! can't....resist....laughter XD !!!!!!!! and da chatter box is down there!! PLUS DA COUNTDOWN TO ROLEPLAYING HAS BEGUN SO JOIN (not pressuring anyone)  ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                               These are the Top 13 Songs for Katarata!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Below You Can Listen and Vote for Which Song You Think Should Be Katarata's #1 Theme Song ( songs are by Coldplay and very awesomel!! a few songs by Linkin Park and favorites too!)

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